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Nisum's Rapid Tech Solution Aids Meal Distribution in Mumbai

Apr 30, 2020 1:40:00 PM

Nisum builds a platform pro bono to optimize the distribution of 24,000+ meals daily on behalf of a Mumbai-based nonprofit.


Nisum has completed its first project undertaken as a result of the company’s pro bono initiative to provide free technology development services to organizations fighting the spread of COVID-19 and helping those affected by the pandemic. On behalf of Mumbai-based nonprofit, Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha, a team of Nisum developers created and implemented a technology platform in just eight days to optimize and automate the food distribution supply chain to manage the nonprofit’s inventory of food, identify areas in the region most in need, and coordinate meal delivery to those places and individuals.

“The spread of COVID-19 has brought about unprecedented circumstances,” said Imtiaz Mohammady, CEO, Nisum. “Nisum has always valued service to our community and helping our neighbors, whether next door or across the globe. With two Nisum office locations and thousands of team members and partners in India, we’re acutely aware of the situation there. As such, when we were approached by the founders of Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha, we were happy to support not only their fund-raising efforts but also develop the backend technology that will help ensure that food is making its way to the people most in need.”

Nisum’s development team built the centralized technology platform for Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha volunteers with the following features and capabilities:

  • Order placement and allocation

  • Inventory tracking of all meals through a robust delivery management system

  • Geo-targeting features to avoid over saturation in certain areas and ensure meals are distributed to the locations most in need

  • A centralized volunteer platform for participating organizations to seamlessly communicate

Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha started as a small effort to feed 150 displaced individuals at the onset of the COVID-19 lockdown in India. However, after just one week, Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha founders realized that there were more than 500,000 daily wage workers and immigrant laborers going without food on a daily basis as they are not able to leave Mumbai and return to their homes and families.

“The platform Nisum has built for us in just over a week has been instrumental in helping us to better coordinate our efforts, manage donations, and deploy deliveries to ensure that meals are getting to those most in need right now,” said Nikhat Ashraf Mohamedy, one of the founders of Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha. “With so many struggling in the face of this pandemic, helping to provide food to Mumbai’s displaced workers is one small thing we can do to immediately support those most impacted by the lockdown.”

If your organization is working to stop the spread of COVID-19 or helping those affected by the pandemic and may benefit from Nisum’s pro bono technology development services, please apply for assistance here:

To donate to Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha’s GoFundMe campaign, “Feed Laborers Stranded in Mumbai During COVID-19,” follow this link

To learn more, check out our press release here.



Founded in California in 2000, Nisum is a digital commerce company focused on strategic IT initiatives using integrated solutions that deliver real and measurable growth.

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3 minutos de lectura

Nisum's Rapid Tech Solution Aids Meal Distribution in Mumbai

Apr 30, 2020 1:40:00 PM

Nisum builds a platform pro bono to optimize the distribution of 24,000+ meals daily on behalf of a Mumbai-based nonprofit.


Nisum has completed its first project undertaken as a result of the company’s pro bono initiative to provide free technology development services to organizations fighting the spread of COVID-19 and helping those affected by the pandemic. On behalf of Mumbai-based nonprofit, Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha, a team of Nisum developers created and implemented a technology platform in just eight days to optimize and automate the food distribution supply chain to manage the nonprofit’s inventory of food, identify areas in the region most in need, and coordinate meal delivery to those places and individuals.

“The spread of COVID-19 has brought about unprecedented circumstances,” said Imtiaz Mohammady, CEO, Nisum. “Nisum has always valued service to our community and helping our neighbors, whether next door or across the globe. With two Nisum office locations and thousands of team members and partners in India, we’re acutely aware of the situation there. As such, when we were approached by the founders of Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha, we were happy to support not only their fund-raising efforts but also develop the backend technology that will help ensure that food is making its way to the people most in need.”

Nisum’s development team built the centralized technology platform for Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha volunteers with the following features and capabilities:

  • Order placement and allocation

  • Inventory tracking of all meals through a robust delivery management system

  • Geo-targeting features to avoid over saturation in certain areas and ensure meals are distributed to the locations most in need

  • A centralized volunteer platform for participating organizations to seamlessly communicate

Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha started as a small effort to feed 150 displaced individuals at the onset of the COVID-19 lockdown in India. However, after just one week, Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha founders realized that there were more than 500,000 daily wage workers and immigrant laborers going without food on a daily basis as they are not able to leave Mumbai and return to their homes and families.

“The platform Nisum has built for us in just over a week has been instrumental in helping us to better coordinate our efforts, manage donations, and deploy deliveries to ensure that meals are getting to those most in need right now,” said Nikhat Ashraf Mohamedy, one of the founders of Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha. “With so many struggling in the face of this pandemic, helping to provide food to Mumbai’s displaced workers is one small thing we can do to immediately support those most impacted by the lockdown.”

If your organization is working to stop the spread of COVID-19 or helping those affected by the pandemic and may benefit from Nisum’s pro bono technology development services, please apply for assistance here:

To donate to Food - Ek Chhoti Se Aasha’s GoFundMe campaign, “Feed Laborers Stranded in Mumbai During COVID-19,” follow this link

To learn more, check out our press release here.



Founded in California in 2000, Nisum is a digital commerce company focused on strategic IT initiatives using integrated solutions that deliver real and measurable growth.

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