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AI Insights from Sajid Mohamedy Featured on insideBIGDATA

Apr 26, 2024 9:40:53 AM

graphic of the press release feature of Sajid Mohammady's insights on AI hallucinations.

We're excited to announce that Sajid Mohamedy, EVP of Growth & Delivery at Nisum, has been featured in insideBIGDATA's "Heard on the Street" column. In this thought-provoking piece, Sajid delves into the critical issue of AI hallucinations — the phenomena where AI systems generate false or misleading information.

Sajid emphasizes the importance of technical solutions and moderation policies working hand in hand with role-based access controls to ensure responsible AI interaction and output usage.

"Technical solutions alone aren’t enough. We need a robust moderation policy. Text classification models can be trained to flag anthropomorphic wording — and potentially hallucinatory outputs — acting as a safety net."

- Sajid Mohamedy

This comprehensive strategy aims to make AI a more reliable and trustworthy tool for businesses and society.

Read Sajid's full commentary on insideBIGDATA for an insightful exploration of methods to mitigate AI hallucinations and pave the way for more accurate, reliable AI technologies.

The Challenge of AI Hallucinations

AI hallucinations present significant challenges for businesses relying on AI for decision-making and customer interaction. These instances of AI generating inaccurate or misleading information can lead to severe consequences, including loss of customer trust and compliance issues.

Engage with Us!

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the challenges and solutions around AI hallucinations. How are you ensuring the reliability of AI in your organization? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below!


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Founded in California in 2000, Nisum is a digital commerce company focused on strategic IT initiatives using integrated solutions that deliver real and measurable growth.

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AI Insights from Sajid Mohamedy Featured on insideBIGDATA

Apr 26, 2024 9:40:53 AM

graphic of the press release feature of Sajid Mohammady's insights on AI hallucinations.

We're excited to announce that Sajid Mohamedy, EVP of Growth & Delivery at Nisum, has been featured in insideBIGDATA's "Heard on the Street" column. In this thought-provoking piece, Sajid delves into the critical issue of AI hallucinations — the phenomena where AI systems generate false or misleading information.

Sajid emphasizes the importance of technical solutions and moderation policies working hand in hand with role-based access controls to ensure responsible AI interaction and output usage.

"Technical solutions alone aren’t enough. We need a robust moderation policy. Text classification models can be trained to flag anthropomorphic wording — and potentially hallucinatory outputs — acting as a safety net."

- Sajid Mohamedy

This comprehensive strategy aims to make AI a more reliable and trustworthy tool for businesses and society.

Read Sajid's full commentary on insideBIGDATA for an insightful exploration of methods to mitigate AI hallucinations and pave the way for more accurate, reliable AI technologies.

The Challenge of AI Hallucinations

AI hallucinations present significant challenges for businesses relying on AI for decision-making and customer interaction. These instances of AI generating inaccurate or misleading information can lead to severe consequences, including loss of customer trust and compliance issues.

Engage with Us!

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the challenges and solutions around AI hallucinations. How are you ensuring the reliability of AI in your organization? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below!


Access the Full Article Here



Founded in California in 2000, Nisum is a digital commerce company focused on strategic IT initiatives using integrated solutions that deliver real and measurable growth.

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